Changning County, Hunan Province, pro-Heren dam pouring method of pouring underwater concrete, repaired the pump house and the delta embankment was damaged infrastructure. The strength of the repaired concrete is even higher than that of the water cast-in-place concrete. The maximum diameter of concrete pouring range of 26 meters, exceeding the maximum diameter of 10 meters of Shanghai underwater grouting (up to 1982) advanced indicators. After the construction of the pump house and delta embankment of this power station, the foundation part was emptied of water, reaching 37.5 meters long, with a seam depth of 3.55 meters and a depth of 4 meters. In the past usually used cofferdam pouring concrete repair, not only costly, but also long duration. According to the project estimate, only cofferdam will be more than 100,000 yuan, plus drainage and concrete engineering costs, at least 300,000 yuan, duration of 3-4 months. In order to grab the time and reduce the cost of the project, the power station in Guangdong Province, with the help of four Defense Bureau, using this method, 25 days to complete, than expected