在那些被人们称之为“只有金钱关系”的资本主义国家,有相当一部分人,尤其是科学家,他们毕生致力于科学事业,但图的并不是个人的钱财,而是整个人类的幸福。 瑞典著名化学家诺贝尔 一生埋头于科学研究和发明创造,共获得129项发明的专利权。但他成了“百万富翁”以后,生活依然节俭,从不奢侈浪费。他临终时留下的遗嘱是“把我的财产的大部分——1800万美元作基金,每年用基金的利息来奖励世界对和平、文学、物理、化学和医学五个方面作出贡献的人。”
In the capitalist countries that people call “only money relations,” a considerable number of people, especially scientists, are devoted to science in their lives. But the picture is not personal money but the happiness of human beings as a whole. Well-known Swedish chemist Nobel buried his life in scientific research and inventions, a total of 129 patents for inventions. But after he became a “millionaire,” his life was still thrifty and never extravagant. The will he left at the end of his death was “a large part of my fortune - 18 million U.S. dollars. Every year, the interest of the funds rewards the world for contributing to peace, literature, physics, chemistry and medicine.” "