Giant magnetoimpedance effect in stress-joule-heated Co-based amorphous ribbons

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tom95800
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Co-based Co63Fe4B22.4Si5.6Nb5 amorphous ribbons with a width of 150 μm and a thickness of 50 μm were prepared by single-roller melt-spinning process.The giant magneto-impedance(GMI) effect of the stress-joule-heated ribbons under applied tensile stress ranging from 37 to 148 MPa was investigated.Experimental results show that the spectra of GMI ratio vs.external direct current(dc) field(Hex) of the samples changes dramatically with annealing tension() and driving frequency.The single-peak(SP) GMI curve with maximum GMI ratio of 260% and magnetic field sensitivity of 52%/Oe was obtained in the sample applied tensile stress of 74 MPa at frequency of 3.6 MHz.A three-peak behaviour appeared in the samples under σ of 111 and 148 MPa.The uncommon three-peak behaviour was attributed to several factors,which effectively originated from the balance between domain-wall movement and magnetization rotation. Co-based Co63Fe4B22.4Si5.6Nb5 amorphous ribbons with a width of 150 μm and a thickness of 50 μm were prepared by single-roller melt-spinning process. The giant magneto-impedance (GMI) effect of the stress-joule-heated ribbons under applied tensile stress ranging from 37 to 148 MPa was investigated. Experimental results show that the spectra of GMI ratio vs. external direct current (dc) field (Hex) of the samples changes dramatically with annealing tension () and driving frequency. single -peak (SP) GMI curve with maximum GMI ratio of 260% and magnetic field sensitivity of 52% / Oe was obtained in the sample applied tensile stress of 74 MPa at frequency of 3.6 MHz. A three-peak behavior appeared in the samples under σ of 111 and 148 MPa. The uncommon three-peak behavior was attributed to several factors, which effectively originated from the balance between domain-wall movement and magnetization rotation.
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