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  A rather open-minded Italian priest is running a beauty contest for nuns.
  The 1)pageant, which is the 2)brainchild of Father Antonio Rungi, is intended to challenge the stereotype of the nun as plain at best and
  3)grotesque at worst. Father Antonio is expecting 1,000 4)habit-clad lovelies to line up and display their gorgeousness¡ªalthough not too much of it. Any unspeakable 5)pervs hoping for details of the blessed bikini round should stop reading now¡ªthe best you can hope for from the 6)parade of sisters is loosened hair.
  “Do you really think nuns are all 7)wizened, funereal old ladies?” questioned the enterprising priest. “Today it’s not like that any more, thanks to an injection of youth and 8)vitality brought to our
  country by foreign girls.” He wants to show the world that nuns have “physical and spiritual beauty”,
  although of course he considers “inner beauty” to be most important. The contest aims to show that “there is... such a thing as a 9)chaste ideal, which comes from the heart and the soul, and has a beneficial effect on those who come into contact with it”.
  The Sister Italia contest is to run online to begin with, but Father Antonio wants to see it emerge into the real world thereafter. Contestants must be between 18 and 40, and can be 10)novices or full members of an order. They can also be from outside Italy¡ªnuns from Africa and Brazil especially are “really very, very pretty”, apparently.
  The idea came from the nuns themselves, Father Antonio insists, and they are 11)keen to participate. Each will be required to submit a photograph along with details about herself and her daily life as well as her spiritual development.
  The first 12)batch of 13)scrumptious nuns will grace the priest’s blog at the start of September. The latest post appears to be Father Antonio’s reaction to the inevitably 14)smirky press coverage of the beauty contest (how 15)tawdry of them, we shall have no part of it) and the perhaps even more inevitable
  frowning from unimpressed Catholics.
  “I have had some emails from Christians who perhaps have not grasped the 16)evangelizing spirit of the initiative, or the
  potential of the internet, which is a marvellous tool for spreading
  the Christian message,” the priest said. “Unfortunately, some people still have a closed mentality.”
  Happily, Father Antonio hasn’t let the 17)naysayers put him off. According to Google’s accurate translation of his blog, he
  18)defiantly concludes: “If a blog unit where the nuns told you can almost compete in goodness, love and service to life and goodness of men roll by any party. “ We can all learn a little something from that.
  Boot note
  Alas, according to 19)Reuters it’s all off 20)as of 26 August 2008, due to Father Antonio’s less than open-minded 21)superiors and too much tawdry
  22)sniggering/angry mud-slinging from other
  quarters. “My superiors were not happy,” said Father Antonio. “The local 23)bishop was not
  happy, but they did not understand me either.”
  “It was not at all my intention to put nuns on the catwalk.”
  Sorry, Father.


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Everyone respects and 1)helps the millionaire, the famous, the boss, those with beauty and brains. What about the 2)bum on the street?   I was parked in front of the church cleaning out my Jeep. I was