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当前在企业破产中存在着一种极为普遍的现象:法院宣告的破产多,而破产程序终结的少,原因何在?通过对宝鸡市岐山县针织厂破产状况调查,我们了解到其中一些情况.一、基本情况岐山县针织厂隶属岐山县经委,是集体所有制企业,1987年5月建厂,厂址在岐山县城,1988年1月迁到岐山县一个非常偏僻的地方安乐乡.该厂有正式职工17名,大都是中层管理人员,农民临时工50人,均是带资入厂,无离退休人员.因产品档次低,不适应市场需要,停工时间长,以致倒闭破产、累计亏损19万元.1994年5月27日,法院宣告破产,进入法律破产还债程序.17名正式职工原来自岐山县磷肥厂, There is an extremely common phenomenon in the bankruptcy of enterprises: There are many bankruptcies declared by the court, and there are few bankruptcy proceedings. What are the reasons? By investigating the bankruptcy situation of the Daishan County Knitting Factory in Baoji City, we learned about some of them. Basic conditions: The Daishan County Knitting Factory is a subsidiary of the Daishan County Economic Commission. It is a collective ownership enterprise. It was established in May 1987. The factory site is located in Dangshan County. In January 1988, it moved to a very remote place in Anshan County, Anle Township. The factory has regular employees. Among the 17 people, most of them were middle-level management personnel, and 50 were casual peasants. All of them were funded factories and no retirees. Due to low product quality, they did not meet the needs of the market, and had a long period of downtime, resulting in bankruptcy and a cumulative loss of 190,000 yuan. On May 27, 1994, the court declared bankruptcy and entered the legal bankruptcy repayment procedure. The 17 formal employees originally came from the Feishan Phosphate Fertilizer Plant.
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这个占地面积2万平方米的能源站,承担着为度假区核心区域的娱乐设施、酒店、零售餐饮等单位提供冷、热、电、压缩空气等能源的重任,并且在功能和产品标准上,创下了多个国内第一。  与上海迪士尼乐园一街之隔,一处四四方方的建筑群里,藏着上海国际旅游度假区的“绿色能源心脏”。这个占地面积2万平方米的能源站,承担着为度假区核心区域的娱乐设施、酒店、零售餐饮等单位提供冷、热、电、压缩空气等能源的重任,并且在功能和