无论是别人推崇的还是自封的不凡人物,想来在生活中都少不了“通俗”的成分。当笔者走进王蒙的家,见到靠在沙发上聚精会神观看动画片的王蒙时,似乎很难产生“肃然起敬”的感觉,倒是心底升腾起几许淡淡的亲切。 王蒙的夫人崔瑞芳女士沏上茶后,嗔怪道:“都60多岁的人了,还喜欢瞅动画片。”由此可见,身为中国严肃文学代表作家的王蒙,同时也是一名
Whether it is esteemed or self-styled extraordinary people, want to come to life, ultimately, “popular” ingredients. When I walked into Wang Meng’s home and saw the cartoon by watching the sofa concentrate on Wang Meng, it seems difficult to produce “awe-inspiring” feeling, it touches my heart rising a few faint cordial. After Mrs. Cui Ruifang, wife of Wang Meng, made the tea, she replied: “All are in their 60s, and they also enjoy watching cartoons.” Thus, Wang Meng, a writer who represents China’s serious literature, is also a