“全球各地仍然不断有意外灾难出现,在这生死攸关的分秒间,乌尼莫克临危受命,肩负着拯救生命、保卫家园的职责。”据民政部公布的数据,2013年,各类自然灾害共造成我国3亿8 818.7万人次受灾,1851人死亡,433人失踪,1215万人次紧急转移安置;直接经济损失5808.4
“There are still unforeseen disasters happening all over the world. During this crucial moment, Unimog is going to endure the responsibility of saving lives and defending his homeland.” According to the data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2013, all kinds of natural A total of 381.87 million people were affected by the disaster, 1,851 were killed, 433 were missing and 12.15 million were relocated urgently and relocated. The direct economic loss was 5808.4