日本山形县米泽市有一家羊肉店,是拥有40年历史的老铺子,该店的第三代接班人行方氏是一个计算机迷,热衷于地区的计算机学会活动。行方氏的一位从事“回线出租”业务的友人提出,如果有兴趣开设“羊肉店 Homepage”的话,可以提供线路帮助。此时Internet邮购业务之中的“日式挂面销售Homepage”已开始被新闻界所注目,抱着成为世界上第一个Internet羊肉店邮购商的梦想,行方氏在1994年10月在Internet网络上开设了冷冻羊肉的销售业务。浏览该羊肉店的Homepage(http://www.anchor.net.co.jp/rental/niku),你不仅可以看到羊肉菜谱的照片,甚至可以听到其炒菜的声音。在羊肉食物不流行的日本,该Homepage既勾起你的食欲,又教导你如何烹调,可谓高超的销售手段。用户一旦通过电子邮件(电话传真也可)订
Japan Yamagata Prefecture Yonezawa City, a mutton shop, is a 40-year-old shop, the store’s third-generation successor Fangs is a computer enthusiast, keen on the area of computer society activities. One of Fang’s line friends, who worked in the “backhaul” business, suggested that if you are interested in setting up a “lamb shop”, you can provide a line of help. At this time in the Internet mail order business among the “Japanese noodle sales Homepage” has begun to be the news media attention, holding the world’s first mutton mail order to buy a business dream, line Fang in October 1994 on the Internet Open the sale of frozen mutton. Browse the mutton shop’s Homepage (http://www.anchor.net.co.jp/rental/niku) where you can not only see photos of lamb recipes, you can even hear the sounds of cooking. In Japan, where lamb food is not popular, the Homepage not only appets to your appetite but also teaches you how to cook it. It is a superb sales tool. Once the user by e-mail (telephone fax can be) set