国际蝗虫灾害的防治策略和技术 :现状与展望

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简要地综述了国际上对蝗虫灾害管理策略与控制技术的发展现状 ,包括 :监测与预警技术、化学防治、生物防治、综合管理对策以及目前的研究热点方向。比较分析了国际、国内蝗虫发生及其治理中存在问题的异同。国际上控制蝗虫灾害的理论、技术、措施、对策 ,对中国有重要的借鉴作用。一般来说 ,控制蝗虫灾害的IPM计划中应该包括 :在策略上 ,强调提前预防压制优于后期灭杀处理 ;在规律认识上 ,重视基础生物学和生态学的研究 ,并将之模型化和标准化 ;在测报方法上 ,积极发展和改善监测预警技术水平 ,将地理信息系统 (GIS)和遥感 (RS)技术集成引入到防治决策的整体系统中 ,使信息能够快速、准确地传递 ;在防治手段上 ,注意新型防治药剂和施药技术的研究开发和集成 ,增加用药效果 ;在天敌利用和环境保护方面 ,充分认识和评估自然天敌的控制作用 ,正确地估计防治效益和挽回的损失 ,重视对环境价值的评价 ;同时加强多个地区间的联合与协调。 The status quo of international strategies and control technologies for locust disaster management is briefly reviewed, including monitoring and early warning technologies, chemical control, biological control, integrated management strategies and the current research direction. The differences and similarities between the occurrence and control of locusts in China and abroad are compared and analyzed. The theory, technology, measures and measures for controlling locusts in the world are of great reference to China. In general, the IPM plan to control locust disasters should include: strategically emphasizing prevention of repression in advance is better than post-extinction treatment; in the aspect of regularity, emphasis is put on the study of basic biology and ecology and modeling and Standardize. In the method of measuring and reporting, actively develop and improve the technical level of monitoring and early warning, and integrate the integration of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technology into the overall system of prevention and control so that the information can be transmitted quickly and accurately. Means, pay attention to the research and development and integration of new preventive and applied pesticides, and increase the drug effect; fully understand and evaluate the control effects of natural enemies on the use of natural enemies and environmental protection, and correctly estimate the loss of prevention and control benefits and recovery Evaluation of the value of the environment; at the same time, strengthening the cooperation and coordination among multiple regions.
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