天气预报说北京今天有雨,但是到达什刹海体校的时候,太空依然万里无云。 北京队正在武术馆里训练,2004年全国武术锦标赛在即,武术馆里暗暗流动着紧张的气氛。 黑色运动裤、黑色T恤,邱慧芳衣着简单,在场地中央缓缓练习着太极拳的动作。神色淡淡的,似乎独自从这一片火热的夏天中抽离出去,躲避在属于自己的那份清凉与平和中。 而眉宇间的那股子认真却让人有一种不得轻易打扰的威严。
The weather forecast says Beijing is raining today, but when it reaches Shichahai Sports School, space remains cloudless. Beijing team is training in Wushu Museum, 2004 National Wushu Championships around the corner, martial arts hall secretly flowing tension. Black sweatpants, black T-shirt, Qiu Huifang clothing is simple, in the center of the venue to practice Taijiquan moves slowly. Looks faint, it seems alone from this hot summer pumping out, to avoid their share of coolness and peace. The subtlety between the brows makes one have an intimidation that can not easily be disturbed.