胃、十二指肠溃疡以往门诊治疗多用制酸、解痉剂。我们在《天津医药》杂志(1∶58,1973)短篇报道的启发下,用痢特灵加复方维生素U治疗胃、十二指肠溃疡14例,效果较满意,介绍如下: 14例病史均在两年以上,最长者19年;均有反酸、上腹疼、饮食受限等症状;并经X线钡餐检查证实有龛影或十二指肠变形;曾经本所及医院治疗未效。服药方法:每次服痢特灵0.1克、复方维生素U2片,一日三次,连服3周,停药1周,为一疗程,连服三个疗程。个别患者上腹部疼时适当加服胃复安。 14例中2例因故停药。12例坚持服药3个疗程(胃溃疡1例,十二指肠溃疡11例)除1例疗效不满意
Stomach, duodenal ulcer treatment of the past, multi-purpose acid, antispasmodic agent. Inspired by the short reports in Tianjin Medical (1:58, 1973), 14 cases of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer were treated with furazolidone and vitamin U. The results were satisfactory as follows: In more than two years, the longest 19 years; have acid reflux, abdominal pain, diet and other symptoms; and by X-ray barium meal examination confirmed niche shadow or duodenal deformation; once the hospital and hospital treatment effect. Medication: Each serving of furazolidone 0.1 g, compound vitamin U2 tablets three times a day, and even for 3 weeks, withdrawal for 1 week, for a course of treatment, and even served three courses. Some patients with abdominal pain when appropriate increase stomach metoclopramine. 2 of 14 cases were discontinued for some reason. 12 cases insisted on taking three courses (1 case of gastric ulcer, 11 cases of duodenal ulcer) except 1 case of unsatisfactory response