
来源 :云南地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisen888
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云南是我国铜矿资源丰富的省份之一。分布广泛,类型齐全,开采历史悠久,而且远景还很大。 (一)悠久的开采历史据史料记载,西汉时候“滇人”已能制造出青铜器,朱提(今昭通、鲁甸一带)、堂狼(今东川、会泽、巧家一带)青铜冶铸业发展最快。铜锡产地,西汉时已见记载的有俞元(今江川,澄江)、律高(今通海、玉溪)和贲古(今个旧、蒙自)。东汉时期,各种矿产较 Yunnan is one of the provinces rich in copper resources in our country. Widely distributed, the type is complete, the mining has a long history, and the vision is still great. (A) a long history of mining According to historical records, the Western Han Dynasty, “Dian” has been able to create a bronze, Zhuti (now Zhaotong, Ludian area), parrot (now Dongchuan, Huize, Qiaojia area) Casting the fastest growing. Copper and tin origin, the Western Han Dynasty has been recorded Yu Yuan (now Jiangchuan, Chengjiang), Law (now Tonghai, Yuxi) and Bago (now the old, Mengzi). Eastern Han Dynasty, a variety of minerals
<正> 薛己、字立斋,是明代的著名医家,正德间(1506~1521)征为御医,嘉靖间(1522~1566)进为太医院使.所撰《薛立斋医案全集》是一部网罗十三科共达百万言的巨著.薛氏治医的特点是