1.对疮痂病菌(Cladosporium carpophilum)的生物学特性作了研究。其结果:(1)分生孢子荫发的最适温度为25℃;(2)分生孢子在黑暗中萌发率最高,其次是在黑光中;(3)分生孢子萌发的最适pH值为6;(4)分生孢子只能在水滴中萌发;(5)分生孢子萌发与营养条件有关。在蒸馏水中萌发率为52%,在葡萄糖液中为90%。在2%梅煎中汁中孢子萌发后芽管迅速发展成菌丝;(6)分生孢子寿命在25℃干燥的条件下为15天。 2.田间药剂防治以50%多菌灵700倍液最好,对感病品种的果实防效可达75%以上。
1. The biological characteristics of Cladosporium carpophilum were studied. The results showed that: (1) the optimal temperature for conidiophore was 25 ℃; (2) conidia germinated the most in the dark, followed by black light; (3) the optimal pH for conidiospore germination 6; (4) conidia can only germinate in water droplets; (5) conidia germination and nutrient conditions. The germination rate was 52% in distilled water and 90% in glucose solution. The germ tube rapidly developed into mycelia after spore germination in 2% plum juice; (6) The life span of conidia was 15 days under the condition of drying at 25 ℃. 2. Field pesticide control with 50% carbendazim 700 times the best, the susceptible varieties of fruit control effect of up to 75%.