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刚来中国学汉语的时候,我分不清声调,经常因为声调不准闹出一些笑话。记得有次老师让我读课文,那时候普通话说得不标准。我:玛丽吻(wěn)我。老师:不对,应该是“玛丽问(wèn)我”。我:玛丽吻我。老师:no no no,“玛丽问我”。当时我心里想:老师,我哪里不行,不是一样的吗? When I first came to China to learn Chinese, I could not tell the difference in tone, and I often made some jokes because of my tone. I remember there are times the teacher let me read the text, when Mandarin is not standard. Me: Mary kisses me. Teacher: No, it should be “Mary asked me ”. Me: Mary kisses me. Teacher: no no no, “Mary asked me.” At that time, I thought: Teacher, where can I not, is not the same?
【摘要】为了提高教学水平和人才培养质量,新疆农业大学不断深化教学改革,《森林培育学》课程被遴选为课程考核方式改革试点课程之一。本文介绍了《森林培育学》课程考核时段改革的措施,并对教学效果进行了分析。  【关键词】森林培育学 考核方式 改革  【中图分类号】G642【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)02-0237-01  考试对于教学过程起着导向作用,考核形式的科学性和合理