相对于网箱养殖常规鱼类,网箱养殖鳜鱼能收得更好的效益,更有利于发展高产优质高效渔业。现将常德市酉港河网箱养殖鳜鱼的高效技术介绍如下。 1.定水域 酉港河平均水深在5米以上,年平均降雨量为1273.9毫米,年平均气温为16.7℃,水温年变化在4℃~35℃之间,河水澄清,正常水位时透明度50厘米~110厘米,河底边缘多水草,pH值为6.0~7.5。
Relative to the cage culture of conventional fish, cage culture anchovy can receive better benefits, but also conducive to the development of high-yielding high-quality and efficient fisheries. Now Changde City, Unitang River cages breeding manta ray efficient technology are as follows. 1. The water area of Unitaryang River has an average water depth of 5 meters or more, with an average annual rainfall of 1273.9 mm and an annual average temperature of 16.7 ° C. The water temperature changes between 4 ° C and 35 ° C. The river is clear and the water level is 50 cm ~ 110 cm, more grass on the edge of the river, pH value of 6.0 to 7.5.