
来源 :中国采购发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q496712523
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钢铁行业是国民经济的支柱产业,是关系国计民生的基础性行业。钢铁工业作为一个原材料的生产和加工部门,处于产业链的中间位置。它的发展与国家的基础设施建设以及工业发展的速度关联性很强。钢铁工业向上游产业联系采矿业、能源工业、交通运输业;同时,钢铁工业提供的产品又是其他许多产业的基本原材料,向下游又与机械工业、汽车制造业、建筑业、交通运输业等 The iron and steel industry is a pillar industry of the national economy and a basic industry related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. As a raw material production and processing department, the iron and steel industry is in the middle of the industrial chain. Its development has a strong connection with the country’s infrastructure construction and the speed of industrial development. The iron and steel industry connects upstream industries with the mining industry, the energy industry, and the transportation industry. At the same time, the products provided by the steel industry are the basic raw materials for many other industries, and the downstream industries include the machinery industry, automobile manufacturing, construction, transportation, etc.
目的 探讨肝局灶性结节性增生 (FNH )的超声和CT表现及其诊断价值。方法  15例住院病例行超声与CT检查。结果  15例FNH均经手术及病理证实 ,共有 16个病灶 ,其中右叶 9个
今年以来,从长三角到珠三角,传统制造业遭遇资金和成本增加的双重挤压。7月初,中央高层先后到多个沿海省份考察劳动密集型企业。作为劳动密集型产业代表的纺织行业中小企业倒闭超过1万多家,超过2000万工人被解聘,有2/3的纺织企业面临重新调整。  8月3日,第二届广东中小企业经济论坛在广州落下帷幕。据国家发改委中小企业司发布的统计结果显示,今年相当部分中小企业面临资金链断裂等困难,全国上半年有6.7万家