1982年8月22至27日我们参加了在东京举行的第四届IUPAC有机合成国际会议。会议主办单位有纯粹和应用化学国际联合会,日本科学理事会以及日本化学会。参加会议的总共有32个国家的1408名代表,其中日本代表1146人。开会前,大会主席东京大学向山光昭教授事前与黄耀曾联系如何处理台湾省出席会议人员的称谓问题。黄答覆:“根据IUPAC规定,我们称为Chinese Chemical Society,台湾省称为Chinese Chemieal Society Located at Taipei”。开会时印出的人名录中将我们写为上海,中国,将台湾省出席的人员称为台北,中国或新竹,中国等。故此次会议并不存在“两个中国”问题。我国参加这次大会的代表共15人。其中有武汉大学化学系张国敏同志,西北师范学院化学系王进贤同志,我们有机所二名,以及来自台湾省的代表11人。
August 22 to August 27, 1982 We participated in the 4th International Conference on IUPAC Organic Synthesis, held in Tokyo. The organizers of the conference are the International Federation of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Japan Science Council and Japan Society of Chemistry. A total of 1408 delegates from 32 countries attended the meeting, of whom 1146 were Japanese delegates. Before the meeting, the chairman of the General Assembly, University of Tokyo, asked Professor Kazuhiko Yamauchi how he had contacted Wong Yau Tsang beforehand how to handle the issue of the names of the attendants attending the meeting in Taiwan. Huang replied: “According to the IUPAC rules, we call the Chinese Chemical Society, and the Taiwanese province is called the Chinese Chemieal Society Located at Taipei.” In the list of people printed at the meeting, we will write us Shanghai, China, and people in Taiwan Province as Taipei, China, Hsinchu and China. Therefore, there is no “two Chinas” issue at this meeting. A total of 15 representatives of our country attended the conference. Among them are Comrade Zhang Guomin, Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Comrade Wang Jinxian, Department of Chemistry, Northwest Normal University, and two of our organic institutes, as well as 11 representatives from Taiwan Province.