这款新CD一拿到手,立即被它那精致抢眼的封套所吸引:在一片泛起银波的海面上,一块巨大的蓝黑色座碑从水底破海而出,直指云天。云层密布的苍穹,一缕耀眼的阳光穿过天际的上方映照在座碑的顶部。封套的正中央,赫然印上碟名“古典圣乐精华”(Simply the best Classicalanthems)。封套下面印上了“36段世界最具震撼力的古典音乐”(实际共收录了38段)。 要把如浩瀚大海的古典音乐中的精粹,浓缩到两张小小的CD上,其难度可想而知。急速拆开封套,浏览这些“精华”,上面的曲目之丰富,先就让人眼花缭乱!莫扎特、威尔第和亨德尔的作品各选出了三段,贝
As soon as the new CD got its hand, it was immediately drawn to its delicate, eye-catching envelope: On a sea of silver waves, a massive blue-black memorial erupted from the bottom of the sea, pointing to the sky. Cloud-covered sky, a ray of dazzling sunlight through the top of the horizon reflected in the monument. In the middle of the envelope, impressively record the dish “Simply the best Classicalanthems.” Printed under the envelope “36 paragraphs of the world’s most powerful classical music” (actually included a total of 38 paragraphs). It is difficult to imagine the essence of classical music, such as the vast sea, concentrated on two small CDs. Quickly open the envelope, browse these “essence”, the above track is rich, first dazzling! Mozart, Verdi and Handel’s work each elected three paragraphs, Tony