ISO9000 and the Quality Management System in the Digital Hospital

来源 :Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Med | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beige0801
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Summary: ISO9000 quality management system (ISO9000QMS) emphasize on the customer-oriented, managers’ leadership and all staff’s joining, adopt the process method and system management, spread the taking facts as a basis to make decision and improve consistently, and establish win-win relation with the suppliers. So, the digital hospital can adopt the ISO9000QMS. In order to establish the ISO9000QMS, the digital hospital should: (1) Design integrally, including analyzing the operation procedure, clarifying the job duties, setting up the spreading team and setting the quality policy and objectives: (2) Learning the ISO9000 quality standards; (3) Drawing up the documents, including the quality manual, program files and operation guiding files; (4) Training according the documents; (5) Executing the quality standard, including the service quality auditing, quality record auditing and quality system auditing; (6) Improving continually. With the establishment of ISO900QMS, the digital hospital can appraise more accurately, analyze quality matters statistically and avoid the interference of artificial factors. Summary: ISO9000 quality management system (ISO9000QMS) emphasize on the customer-oriented, managers’ leadership and all staff’s joining, adopt the process method and system management, spread the taking facts as a basis to make decision and improve consistently, and establish win- Win relation with the suppliers. So, the digital hospital can adopt the ISO9000QMS. In order to establish the ISO9000QMS, the digital hospital should: (1) Design integrated, including analyzing the operation procedure, clarifying the job duties, setting up the pulling team And setting the quality policy and objectives: (2) Learning the ISO9000 quality standards; (3) Drawing up the documents, including the quality manual, program files and operation guiding files; (4) Training operating the documents; (5) Executing the Quality standard, including the service quality auditing, quality record auditing and quality system auditing; (6) Improving the. With the establishment of ISO900QMS, the digital hospi Tal can appraise more accurately, analyze quality content ly and avoid the interference of artificial factors.
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