查好房,进修医生袁敏拿出一张照片给我看。她指着右边的老夫人说:“她叫阿西莉,时年66岁,旁边是她的丈夫。看,夫妇俩抱着23个月的独生女儿辛茜亚,一家三口笑得多开心啊。” “那孩子是他们领养的吧?”围上来看的实习医生们不约而同地问。 “不是。是老太64岁时自己生下的。他们40多岁才结婚,一直想要个孩子,直至64岁方如愿以偿。”袁答。 “难道她60多岁还未绝经?”实习医生问。 “她早就绝经了。”袁医生不假思索地回答。 “那她怎么会怀孕的?”好几个实习医生瞪大眼睛问。
Check good room, studying medicine Yuan Min took out a picture to show me. She pointed to the right of the old lady said: “She is called Asili, was 66 years old, next to her husband.Views, the couple holding 23 months old daughter Cynthia, a family of three happily happily Ah. ”“ That child is their adoption? ”“ The surrounding interns asked spontaneously. ”No, it was the wife who gave birth when she was 64. They were married in their 40s and wanted to have children until the age of 64.“ Yuan answered. ”Is she still in her 60s?“ The interns asked. ”She has long been menopause.“ Yuan doctor answered without hesitation. ”Then how she will be pregnant?" Several intern stare wide-eyed.