SARS是一种具有较强传染性的新型传染病 ,给人民群众和医务人员的生命安全带来了极大威胁。药物治疗是战胜SARS病毒的有力武器。阿奇霉素是卫生部推荐的治疗SARS的药物之一。按照治疗方案规定 :阿奇霉素使用疗程为 3d ,每个疗程之间需要停药 4d。笔者通过首都医科大学宣武医院
SARS is a new infectious disease with strong contagiousness, posing a great threat to the safety of the people and medical staff. Medication is a powerful weapon to defeat the SARS virus. Azithromycin is one of the medicines recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of SARS. In accordance with the provisions of the treatment program: azithromycin treatment course for the 3d, need to discontinue each course of treatment 4d. The author passed Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University