组织胞浆菌病在我国较少见,临床及实验室常误诊,为提高对本病的认识,避免误诊,现将我院诊治的1例播散性组织胞浆菌病的临床及骨髓象特征报道如下。1病例患者女,40岁,湖北利川市人,在家务农,无外出打工史。持续高热3d入院,体温波动于38.1~42℃,午后高热,无寒颤,体重减轻,咳嗽伴胸闷,肝、脾、浅表淋巴结与腹膜后淋巴结肿大。WBC 2.3×109/L,RBC 2.35×1012/L,Hb 60g/L,
Histoplasmosis is rare in our country, clinical and laboratory often misdiagnosis, in order to improve the understanding of the disease, to avoid misdiagnosis, now in our hospital for diagnosis and treatment of a case of disseminated histoplasmosis clinical and bone marrow Features are reported below. A case of female patients, 40 years old, Lichuan City, Hubei Province, at home farming, no working history. Continued high fever 3d admission, body temperature fluctuations in the 38.1 ~ 42 ℃, high fever in the afternoon, no chills, weight loss, cough with chest tightness, liver, spleen, superficial lymph nodes and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. WBC 2.3 × 109 / L, RBC 2.35 × 1012 / L, Hb 60 g / L,