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综合与分化是现代科学发展的两类趋势。这趋势在图书情报科学中业已充分体现出来,比如心理学的原理和方法与图书馆学相结合产生了读者心理学,随后心理学又与情报学相结合产生了情报心理学。此种情况说明:图书情报科学的不断发展,不断完善成熟;图书情报工作需要与心理学相结合,需要运用心理学的原理,移植心理学的方法。诚然,情报学与心理学的交叉渗透自1981年到现在才六年时间,而且研究的也很不充分,离开成熟,还有一段艰难的路程。近年来在建立情报心理学的学科过程 Synthesis and differentiation are two types of trends in the development of modern science. This trend has been fully demonstrated in the science of library and information science. For example, the combination of psychology principles and methods with library science leads to reader psychology, and the combination of psychology and information science leads to intelligence psychology. This situation shows that: the continuous development of library and information science, and constantly improve and mature; library and intelligence work needs and psychological integration, the need to use the principles of psychology, transplantation psychology methods. It is true that the cross-cutting infiltration of information science and psychology from 1981 to now only six years, and research is also inadequate, leaving mature, there is a difficult journey. In recent years, the establishment of information psychology discipline process