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秉承高职院校教学培养理念,高职院校商务礼仪专业旨在培养具有良好职业素养、较高职业竞争力等全面优秀商务人员。因此,商务礼仪课程教学具有很强的实践性。然而,在实际的教学过程中存在课程重视程度低,教学设备不完善、教师素质参差不齐,专业教师数量少、理论与实践严重失衡等实际问题,导致教学成效不明显。针对上述商务礼仪课程问题分析,提出解决对策,以提高教学质量取得更好教学效果。 Adhering to the concept of teaching and training in higher vocational colleges, professional etiquette in higher vocational colleges aims to cultivate excellent business professionals with good professional accomplishments and high occupational competitiveness. Therefore, business etiquette teaching has a strong practicality. However, in the actual teaching process, there are some practical problems such as the low degree of the curriculum, the imperfect teaching equipment, the uneven quality of teachers, the small number of professional teachers and the serious imbalance between theory and practice, which leads to the insignificance of teaching effectiveness. In view of the above analysis of the problem of business etiquette courses, put forward solutions to improve the quality of teaching to achieve better teaching results.
【摘要】课堂教学作为提高学生综合职业能力的一个重要环节,在课程教学改革中具有重要的地位。通过课堂教学改革的深入,使学生能够掌握音视频编辑专业技能,同时培养学生团队合作意识和创新精神,适应职业岗位的要求。  【关键词】职业岗位 工作流程 课堂 教学改革  【基金项目】浙江省2015年度高等教育课堂教学改革项目“基于职业岗位工作流程导向的《音视频编辑》课堂教学改革”(kg2015945)。  【中图分