Renin angiotensin system in liver diseases: Friend or foe?

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sweetmeimei
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In the last three decades,the understanding of the renin angiotensin system(RAS)has been changed by the discoveries of functional local systems,novel biologically active peptides,additional specific receptors,alternative pathways of angiotensin(Ang)?Ⅱ?generation,and new roles for enzymes and precursor components other than those in Ang?Ⅱ?synthesis.In this regard,the discovery that Ang-(1-7)opposes the pressor,proliferative,pro-fibrotic,and pro-inflammatory effects mediated by Ang?Ⅱ?has contributed to the realization that the RAS is composed of two axes.The first axis consists of the angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE),with Ang?Ⅱ?as the end product,and the angiotensin type 1(AT1)receptor as the main effector mediating the biological actions of Ang?Ⅱ.The second axis results from ACE2-mediated hydrolysis of Ang?Ⅱ,leading to the production of Ang-(1-7),with the Mas receptor as the main effector conveying the vasodilatory,antiproliferative,anti-fibrotic,and anti-inflammatory effects of Ang-(1-7).Experimental and clinical studies have shown that both axes of the RAS may take part in the pathogenesis of liver diseases.In this manuscript,we summarize the current evidence regarding the role of RAS in hepatic cirrhosis and its complications,including hemodynamic changes and hepatorenal syndrome.The therapeutic potential of the modulation of RAS molecules in liver diseases is also discussed. In the last three decades, the understanding of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) has been changed by the discoveries of functional local systems, novel biologically active peptides, additional specific receptors, alternative pathways of angiotensin (Ang)? Ⅱ? Generation, and new roles for enzymes and precursor components other than those in Ang? II synthesis in this regard, the discovery that Ang- (1-7) opposes the pressor, proliferative, pro-fibrotic, and pro-inflammatory effects mediated by Ang? II ? has contributed to the realization that the RAS is composed of two axes. The first axis consists of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), with Ang? Ⅱ? as the end product, and the angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor as the main effector mediating the biological actions of Ang? II. second-second results from ACE2-mediated hydrolysis of Ang? II, leading to the production of Ang- (1-7), with the Mas receptor as the main effector conveying the vasodilatory, antiproliferative, anti-fibrotic, and anti-inflammatory effe cts of Ang- (1-7). Experimental and clinical studies have shown that both axes of the RAS may take part in the pathogenesis of liver diseases.In this manuscript, we summarize the current evidence regarding the role of RAS in hepatic cirrhosis and its complications, including hemodynamic changes and hepatorenal syndrome. The therapeutic potential of the modulation of RAS molecules in liver diseases is also discussed.
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