倍受国内外画坛瞩目的《第二届全国中国画展》暨以全新形式运作的《第四届大连艺术博览会》于8月13日-17日上午10 点在大连会展中心隆重举行。距首届全国中国画展10年之久的《第二届全国中国画展》是建国以来举办的一次高学术品位和最具权威性的大型展事,同时
The “2nd China National Art Exhibition” attracting much attention from domestic and overseas artists and the “4th Dalian Art Fair” which operates in a new form were held at the Dalian Convention and Exhibition Center from August 13 to 17, at 10 a.m. The Second National Exhibition of Chinese Paintings, a decade old from the First National Chinese Painting Exhibition, was a large-scale academic exhibition of the highest academic quality and the most authoritative since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. At the same time