Now in our hospital gossypol poisoning data integrity of 58 cases of ECG changes reported below. Diagnosis is based on: 1. There is a history of eating raw cottonseed oil; 2. There are obvious symptoms and signs of hypokalemia soft disease; Serum potassium in 3.5mmol / L or less; 4 ECG significantly increased U wave, ST segment depression, T wave inversion and Q-T interval prolongation of more than 50%; 5. Except for other significant complications and drug effects. General information: The group of 58 patients were clinically diagnosed as hypokalemia soft disease. Minimum 4 years old, maximum 73 years old. 6 males and 52 females, the ratio of men to women is about 1: 9, all rural peasants. ECG characteristics: Gossypol poisoning caused by ECG changes, mainly markedly increased U wave, ST depression, T wave inversion, Q-T interval prolongation and a variety of arrhythmias.