The Etiology of Vision Impairment in Target Population

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Purpose: research the etiology of vision impairment in target persons over 45 years old in Doumen county , Guangdong province.Methods: Depending on the prevalences of the blindness among the person aged over 50 years, the theoretic sample rate is 1 000/4 8733×100%=2. 05%. The 8 districts were divided into 3 parts according to the local economic situation and the proportion of the population in the areas. In fact, the sampling rate is 932/ 10055 = 88.34%.Results:W’e found that impairment <0. 3 accounted for 10. 94%. The prevalence of bilateral blindness and low vision was 1. 61% and 3. 22%, respectively. Both prevalences of blindness and low vision were increased with age. The leading cuase of blindness was cataract (45. 2%). The second was corneal opacity (16. 7% ). Prevalentces of the low vision and the blindness were higher in females than in males (P<0. 005).Conclusions: Curable and preventable diseases were the leading cause for the blindness (70%). Prevalences of blindness and the low vision incre Purpose: research the etiology of vision impairment in target persons over 45 years old in Doumen county, Guangdong province. Methods: Depending on the prevalences of the blindness among the person aged over 50 years, the theoretic sample rate is 1 000/4 8733 × 100% = 2.05%. The 8 districts were divided into 3 parts according to the local economic situation and the proportion of the population in the areas. In fact, the sampling rate is 932/10055 = 88.34%. Results: W ’ e found that impairment <0. 3 was accounted for 10. 94%. The prevalence of bilateral blindness and low vision was 1. 61% and 3. 22%, respectively. Both prevalences of blindness and low vision were increased with age. The leading The second was corneal opacity (16.7%). Prevalentces of the low vision and the blindness were higher in females than in males (P <0. 005) .Conclusions: Curable and preventable diseases were the leading cause for the blindness (70%). Prevalences of blindness and th e low vision incre
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