俯瞰“将有2000亿规模”的中国汽车信贷市场却不得染指,这让福特、通用们苦闷不已. 降低首付款、延长还款期……利率魔盒尚未打开,似是而非的信用问题浮出水面.“闸门开启之前”的汽车信贷市场“繁荣”难掩隐忧,国内银行新手上路抢跑的危险正在显现.“,”Overlooking the car loan market in China which will be as large as 200 billion RMB without being able to step in, automobile giants such as Ford and GM are quite anxious. Although the dream of “making Chinese people not only think of cars when they catch sight of the logo of Ford” is still unfulfilled, the huge market is very exciting. Lowering the prepaid amount, extending the paying period...The magic box of interest rate hasn't be opened yet, the vague credit issue has floated above the water. The prosperity of car loan market cannot cover the potential problems.