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电力普遍服务作为政府的公共政策目标,旨在保证每一位公民获得安全稳定和充足的电力供应,以满足人民生活的基本需求及构建和谐社会的要求。因此,对电力普遍服务的效益评价不应该仅局限于经济效益评价,而应该站在全社会的角度衡量电力普遍服务所产生的社会效益。本文综合运用计量经济学理论、宏观经济学理论等相关知识,从动态的角度出发,构建了一个电力普遍服务社会效益量化模型,并运用云南省的数据进行了实证分析,为政府在社会效益考核以及提供普遍服务资金额度方面提供了参考依据,并最终完善了电力普遍服务实施的评价机制。 As a public policy goal of the government, universal service of electricity aims to ensure that every citizen obtains a safe, stable and sufficient power supply so as to meet the basic needs of people’s lives and the requirements of building a harmonious society. Therefore, the evaluation of the benefits of universal service should not be limited to the evaluation of economic benefits, but should be measured by the society as a whole to measure the social benefits generated by the universal service of electricity. Based on the econometrics theory and macroeconomic theory, this paper constructs a quantitative model of social benefits of universal service for electric power and analyzes the data of Yunnan Province for empirical analysis of the social benefits As well as provide reference for universal service funding, and finally improve the evaluation mechanism of universal service implementation.
编者的话:人民论坛杂志2008年第24期推出了《关于“中国模式”》专题,人民网、新华网、新浪网等100余家媒体纷纷予以转载,引发了广泛的反响。  胡锦涛总书记在纪念党的十一届三中全会召开30周年大会上指出:“世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展道路和发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路和发展模式。我们既不能把书本上的个别论断当作束缚自己思想和手脚的教条,也不能把实践中已见成效的东西看成完美无缺的模式。”“