狠抓质量管理 加速新产品开发——记河南省确山县机械厂

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河南省确山县机械厂是一个以生产饲料加工机械和小型民用食品机械为主的国营企业,是机械电子工业部、河南省机械电子工业厅的定点厂家之一。面对新形势下企业发展与市场竞争的现状,他们通过分析形势,研究市场,明确主攻方向:立足老产品、开发新产品,提高配套能力,搞好跟踪服务。同时分析了该厂的技术力量强、工艺装备、检测手段齐全,管理基础较好的优势,作出了以新应变。开发新产品,创立优质名牌,以优取胜的经营决策。下决心开发产品结构相似,工艺相近,原理基本相通,性能优异的变型产品,按照用户要求,改进提高老产品,加快研制开发新产品。力求做到产品质量过硬,用户维修方便的协调发展。目前该厂生产的9FQ—40型饲 Henan Queshan Machinery Factory is a state-owned enterprise specializing in the production of feed processing machinery and small-scale civil food machinery. It is one of the designated manufacturers of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry and the Department of Mechanical and Electronic Industry of Henan Province. Faced with the current situation of enterprise development and market competition under the new situation, they analyzed the situation, studied the market, and made clear the main direction of attack: based on old products, developing new products, improving supporting capabilities, and doing a good job of tracking services. At the same time, it analyzed the plant’s advantages of strong technical strength, technological equipment, complete testing methods, and good management foundation, and made new strains. Develop new products, create high-quality brand names, and win management decisions. Determined to develop products with similar structure, similar processes, basically the same principle, excellent performance of the modified products, in accordance with user requirements, improve and improve the old products and speed up research and development of new products. Strive to achieve excellent product quality, user-friendly and coordinated development. The 9FQ-40 type feed currently produced by this factory
在古老盐都川西南矿区,有一群复退转业军人,他们以不变的军人本色,为企业的发展做出了贡献。 任劳任怨的李火生 现年47岁的李火生,1975年转业到川西南矿区,当过司钻,后到采
文章介绍了第十五届国际矿物学大会的概况,同时,对矿物在经济和科学技术中的应用情况、矿物的分析方法以及宝石材料的研究等作了较详细介绍。 The article introduced the o