
来源 :北京成人教育通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowdrangon
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第一条北京市成人教育研究会,是从事和研究成人教育的单位和个人组成的群众性学术团体。北京市成人教育研究会,是中国成人教育协会、北京市教育学会的团体会员。第二条本会的宗旨是在马列主义、毛泽东思想的指导下,总结和推广成人教育的经验,开展成人教育科学的研究,普及成人教育科学知识,为促进首都四化建设和提高全市职工、农民的文化科学水平服务。第三条本会在一切活动中,坚持四项基本原则,贯彻“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,坚持理论与实践相结合和实事求是的学风。第四条本会的主要任务是: (一)认真学习和研究马列主义教育理论和党的教育方针政策,总结建国以来成人教育的经验和教训,探索成人教育的客观规律,肃清林彪、“四人帮”及其反动教育思想的流毒和影响。 (二)从本市的实际情况出发,开展对成人教育的地位和作用、成人教育的规律和特点 The first Beijing Adult Education Research Association, is engaged in and research adult education units and individuals mass academic groups. Beijing Adult Education Research Association is a member of China Adult Education Association and Beijing Education Association. Article 2 The purpose of this Association is to summarize and popularize the experience of adult education under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, to carry out the research of adult education science and popularize the scientific knowledge of adult education. In order to promote the construction of the “ Farmers’ cultural and scientific level of service. Article 3 In all its activities, this Council upholds the four cardinal principles, carries out the policy of ”letting a hundred flowers bloom, and a hundred schools of thought contend,“ adheres to the style of study combining theory with practice and seeking truth from facts. Article 4 The main tasks of this Council are to: (1) conscientiously study and study the theory of Marxism-Leninism education and the party’s education principles and policies, summarize the experiences and lessons of adult education since the founding of the People’s Republic, explore the objective laws of adult education, and eliminate Lin Biao and the ”gang of four "And its reactionary educational thoughts and influence. (2) Starting from the actual situation in this Municipality, carrying out the status and function of adult education and the rules and characteristics of adult education
头孢三嗪(Ceftriaxone——茵必治)是第3代头孢菌素,它在血浆中的半衰期为6.5~8.5小时,而其它头孢菌素仅0.75~2.5小时,肌注本药有100%生物药效率。此药60%从尿中排出,使用十分 C