Pay attention to information everywhere, use this sentence to describe the information technology in China today is not so accurate and vivid, in fact, whether you stay or not, we are dealing with the information at all times, we live in a world full of information. Economist Borat described in detail the classification of the information industry in the stunning book The Information Economy: According to his classification, such as inventions, consulting services, education, radio and television industry, newspapers and periodicals publication Industry, brokerage, advertising, insurance, financial credit, telecommunications, computer manufacturing, commercial underwriting are the information industry, and even typing, printing, photography, washing and amplification are all areas of the information industry.Thus, We must not leave the information, people’s lives have a lot of information content to improve people’s awareness of the information is the key to the transformation of China’s economy to the information age.Reading to the relationship between information and life is the most simple and effective strategy to improve information awareness. In the special issue of “Summer: The Information and Life” at the end of this issue, we plan to compile a series of manuscripts containing only computer, communications, advertising, finance, newspapers, commodities Sales and marketing, we hope to depict our “information life” in a vivid and vivid way .There are too many information phenomena in life. Our special issue can not fully describe this issue. We welcome people from all walks of life to provide manuscripts in this respect, and we will reserve them. Or set a special column, or in the summer special issue next year to engage in a “life and information” theme planning, let us take a look at the appearance of the information society.