点燃体育兴趣 优化课堂教学

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体育作为教育的重要组成部分,在健体、增智、育德和培养人的能力、意志力、提高审美情趣等方面所起的独特作用是众所周知的。目前中小学校普遍存在学生参加体育锻炼的自觉性较差,对体育课不感兴趣,怕苦、怕累,甚至逃避上体育课等现象。造成学生对体育课兴趣不大的原因诸如:体育课陈旧的教学模式;教学内容缺乏趣味;教学方法缺乏新意等。作为体育教师或体育工作者,我们有责任找出原因,采取积极的措施,提高中学生对体育课的兴趣,为实现全民健身、终身体育的目标努力。本文将围绕如何培养融洽师生关系、发挥教师的主导和学生的主体作用、采用合适的教学内容和新颖的教学方法进行因材施教,点燃学生学习体育的兴趣展开讨论。 As an important part of education, sports play a unique role in improving physical fitness, enhancing intelligence, cultivating morality, cultivating human ability, willpower and aesthetic taste. At present, the prevalence of students in primary and secondary schools to participate in physical exercise less conscious, not interested in physical education, fear of suffering, afraid of tired, and even to avoid the phenomenon of physical education. The causes of students’ lack of interest in physical education are as follows: obsolete teaching patterns in physical education; lack of interest in teaching content; and lack of new teaching methods. As a physical education teacher or a sports worker, we have the responsibility to find out the reasons and take active measures to improve the interest of middle school students in physical education so as to achieve the goal of nationwide fitness and lifelong physical education. This article will focus on how to cultivate harmonious relationship between teachers and students, give full play to teachers ’dominance and students’ main role, adopt appropriate teaching content and novel teaching methods to teach students in accordance with their aptitudes and ignite their interest in studying sports.
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