河南省鹤壁市山城区按照经济充满活力、富有效率、健康运行的内在要求,转变增长观念,以优化结构为重要途径,以增强自主创新能力为关键环节,以集约发展为主攻方向,以改革开放为根本保障,把经济的增长转到不仅要发展快、总量大,而且要求结构优、素质高、效益好、后劲足的轨道上,使这有着40 余年发展史的老工业区焕发出新的生机和活力。“十五”期间,山城区各项经济指标均保持两位数的增长。2005年,全区完成生产总值12.8亿元,同比增长26%,年均增长22%。财政收入达到5123万元,同比增长71.5%,年均增长24.86%;社会消费品零
Shancheng District of Hebi City, Henan Province, in accordance with the inherent requirements of an economy full of vitality, efficiency and healthy operation, change the concept of growth, optimize the structure as an important way to enhance the capacity of independent innovation as the key link to intensive development as the main direction of reform and opening up As the fundamental guarantee, the economic growth should not only be developed rapidly but with a large total amount, but also demand that the old industrial areas with a history of more than 40 years be rejuvenated on the track of excellent structure, high quality, good returns and strong stamina The vitality and vitality. During the “Tenth Five-year Plan”, various economic indicators in Shancheng District have maintained double-digit growth. In 2005, the region completed a GDP of 1.28 billion yuan, an increase of 26% over the previous year and an average annual increase of 22%. Fiscal revenue reached 51.23 million yuan, an increase of 71.5% over the previous year with an average annual increase of 24.86%. Zero social consumer goods