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人口增长、可耕地面积减少加速了对转基因生物种子的需求,此类种子相对于传统种子而言,抗性更强且产量更大。然而,尽管转基因种子优点突出,但其市场化仍受到一些国家政策制度的极大限制。目前,转基因技术在许多国家都存在高度争议,一方面受到希望增产和改良品种人士的极力推崇;另一方面,强烈反对转基因食品的民众纷纷向其发难…… Population growth and reduced arable land have accelerated the demand for GMO seeds that are more resistant and yield more than traditional seeds. However, although the advantages of genetically modified seeds are outstanding, its market orientation is still greatly limited by the national policy system. At present, genetically modified technology is highly controversial in many countries, on the one hand by the people who hope to increase production and improve varieties of highly respected; on the other hand, people who strongly oppose genetically modified food have launched an attack ...
每个家长都希望自己的孩子爱读书,读好书,读有用的书,并对什么是好书、有用的书,有很多具体的标准。然而,当孩子的选择和家长的标准出现分歧时,矛盾便出现了。  让我们看看凯伦的妈妈是怎样解决这个矛盾的。  我对孩子读什么书,一向有严格要求和具体标准,比如,故事类,要读《格林童话》、《安徒生童话》、《伊索寓言》;小说类须读《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、《牛虻》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》……我之所以这样要求儿子,有着一定