1 非侵染性病害植物的非侵染性病害是由于植物自身的生理缺陷或遗传性疾病,或由于在生长环境中有不适宜的物理、化学等因素直接或间接引起的一类病害。它和侵染性病害的区别在于没有病原生物的侵染,在植物不同的个体间不能互相传染,所以又称为非传染性病害或生理病害。2 非侵
Non-invasive diseases Non-invasive diseases of plants are due to the plant’s own physiological defects or genetic diseases, or diseases caused directly or indirectly due to unfavorable physical and chemical factors in the growth environment. The difference between it and infectious diseases is that there is no infection by pathogens and can not be transmitted to each other among different plants of plants. Therefore, it is also called a non-infectious disease or a physiological disease. 2 non-invasive