自1985年1月《上海档案》双月刊创刊号问世,至2001年7月《上海档案》第100期出刊,《上海档案》走过了跨世纪的16年半的路程。百期《上海档案》,记录了新时期上海档案事业开拓奋进的历史进程,钩沉了上海史料的“沧海一粟”,揭示了档案与社会、历史、人生的密切联系,展现了档案人筚路蓝镂、艰苦创业的精神风貌。 一 《上海档案》的档案,记录了她十多年行色匆匆的步履:1985年1月,《上海档案》开始在档案、图书、文秘、情报资料等系统内部发行;1989年1月,《上海档案》开始通过邮局向社会公开发行,并进入期刊发行的零售市场网络;1990年7月,《上海档案》、
Since January 1985, the bimonthly issue of “Shanghai Archives” has been published. By July 2001, “Shanghai Archives” No. 100 was published. “Shanghai Archives” has gone through 16 and a half years of the cross-century. Hundreds of files of the Shanghai archives recorded the historic process of opening up and forging ahead of the archival cause in Shanghai in the new era and uncovered “a drop in the ocean” of Shanghai historical materials, revealing the close ties between the archives and society, history and life and displaying the archives’ , The spirit of arduous pioneering spirit. In January 1985, “Shanghai Archives” started to be distributed within the system of archives, books, secretarial documents and intelligence materials; in January 1989, “Shanghai Archives” archives recorded her hastily walking for more than a decade. Shanghai Archives “started to be released to the public through the post office and entered the retail market network of periodicals; in July 1990,” Shanghai Archives "