本刊关于举办“中医高校教材自学辅导”专栏的有关问题,已经在预告中做过粗略说明。现在,趁专栏和大家初次见面的机会,再做较为详细的申述如下: (一)人材学告诉我们,自学,是一条切实可行的成材之路。而许多名老中医的治学经历则告诉我们,中医学术,是完全可以通过自学而获登堂入室的。大家知道,中医传统的学习途径有三:家传、从师、自学,而贯穿始终的是自学。现在时代变了,学习条件好得多了,党和国家已经创办了中医教育
The issue of organizing a column on “Self-study Guidance of Chinese University Teaching Materials” has been roughly described in the notice. Let us now take the opportunity of the special meeting of the public to meet for the first time. Let us now make a more detailed statement as follows: (1) Talents Theory tells us that self-study is a feasible path to survival. Many old TCM doctors’ experiences tell us that Chinese medicine can be admitted by self-study. As we all know, there are three traditional ways of learning traditional Chinese medicine: family transmission, teacher education and self-study. Now times have changed, learning conditions are much better, and the Party and the state have already started education in Chinese medicine