1957年,科学家从猪肾中提取出一种称作“葡萄糖耐量因子(CTF)”的化合物,它能够恢复大鼠受损的葡萄糖耐量。后来知道这是一种铬的络合物,可增强胰岛素的功能,铬也因此被定为人体必需的微量元素之一。 有专家对铬的作用进行了细胞水平的研究。他将小鼠肌肉分别置于两种培养基中,一种铬充足,一种铬贫乏,其它营养成分完全一样。结果显示,在贫铬的培养基中,肌小管受胰岛素刺激对放
In 1957, scientists extracted from porcine kidney a compound called “glucose tolerance factor (CTF)”, which restored impaired glucose tolerance in rats. Later it was known that this is a chromium complex that enhances the function of insulin. Chromium has also been identified as one of the essential trace elements for the body. Some experts on the role of chromium at the cellular level of research. He placed mouse muscles in two media, one with adequate chromium and the other with the same nutrients. The results showed that in the chrome-depleted medium, the myotubes were stimulated with insulin