他叫朱冬为,父母双目失明,从6岁开始,他就当起了一家之主; 他没有别的孩子那样幸福的童年,他得边上学边照顾父母,还要承担繁重的家务和农活,但他的学习成绩始终名列前茅; 他上了中专录取分数线,却未被录取,他相信读职高照样能成才; 他被汽油烧成重伤,又患了阑尾炎。他是一个苦命的孩子,其实,他更是一个坚强的孩子!
His name is Zhu Dongwei. His parents are blind. He has been the head of the family since the age of 6. He has no happy childhood as other children. He has to go to school while taking care of his parents, He still has top academic achievement. He took a secondary school admission test but failed to admit him. He believes he can still succeed in taking a job. He was seriously injured in burning gasoline and had appendicitis. He is a hard-working child, in fact, he is a strong kid!