狂风暴雨批评后 春风化雨巧疏导——浅谈德育工作中“批评后”的教育艺术

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人非圣贤,孰能无错?何况是单纯幼稚的小学生。由于学生好奇心强,活泼好动,往往做出意想不到的恶作剧,引发各种事故。作为教师,常常拿起批评这个教育武库中最常用的武器。很多教师常常认为批评了学生以后,任务已经完成,便将其束之高阁了。事实上,批评这种事并不是一种工作的结局 People are not saints, what is wrong, let alone simply naive pupils. Because students are curious, lively, often make unexpected prank, triggering various accidents. As teachers, they often pick up the most commonly used weapon in criticizing this educational arsenal. Many teachers often think that after criticizing a student, the task has been completed and they are put away. In fact, criticizing such a thing is not the end of a job