正面挑战 突破创新

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最近,基础外语教育界发生着一些深刻变化。10月中旬,高考试点省份之一浙江进行了首次新高考。新高考大规模采用了读后续写这一新题型,也引发了热烈的争论,读后续写题型究竟好在何处,做这种题型能促进英语学习吗?如何备考?对此,本刊迅速做出反应,推出读后续写专题,从理论基础、现实依据和教学原则等方面进行了全方位解读。广东外语外贸大学的王初明教授的《高考英语“读后续写”题的促学功能》一文更是深入浅出,不仅对续写评分提出建议,还对这一题型如何促学促教 Recently, some fundamental changes have taken place in the basic foreign language education. In mid-October, Zhejiang Province, one of the college entrance examination pilot provinces, conducted its first new college entrance examination. The new college entrance examination adopted a large-scale follow-up to write this new type, also led to a heated debate, read the follow-up to write questions exactly where to do this type of question can promote English learning? How to prepare for? In this regard, Our rapid response, the introduction of follow-up to read the introduction of the topic, from the theoretical basis, the reality and teaching principles and other aspects of a comprehensive interpretation. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Professor Wang Chu-ming, “College English ” to read the follow-up write “The problem of learning function” is a text explaining profound theories in simple language, not only to make recommendations for the continued score, but also on how to promote learning
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