去年10月1日,我起了个大早,驱车70公里到达小顺,打算在国庆长假的头一天钓个“开门红”。小顺位于浙江省第二大河瓯江上游,有许多中小型水库及河流。这里的鱼个头很大,尤其是鲂鱼更大。2003年曾先后有4.25千克、4.40千克的大鲂鱼被钓起。2004年上半年有位钓友在此钓到了一条5千多克的大鲂鱼,回家搞了个鲂鱼宴而没有申报,从而失去了参加“十大钓手”通讯赛的机会。 因冷空气南下,气温下降,到上午10时我还吃“鸡蛋”。10时刚过,我的一支海竿点了点头,我以为是小白条闹
On October 1 last year, I got up early and drove 70km to reach Xiaoshun. I plan to catch a good start on the first day of National Day holiday. Xiao Shun is located in the upper reaches of the Oujiang River, Zhejiang’s second largest river, with many small and medium sized reservoirs and rivers. The fish are big here, especially bighead carps. In 2003 there were 4.25 kg and 4.40 kg of catfish caught. In the first half of 2004, a fishing enthusiast caught a catfish of more than 5,000 grams and returned home without a declaration and lost the chance to participate in the “Top Ten Angry Birds” communication race. . Due to cold air south, the temperature dropped to 10 o’clock I eat “egg ”. Just after 10 o’clock, a nautical pole my nodded, I thought it was a small white noise