16岁的少年英雄谢荣策再没有长大,新世纪的曙光把他永远留在了黎明前的黑暗中。48年过去了,当与英雄的兄妹们谈起谢荣策时,他们的眼窝里仍能渗出泪水来,也牵出思恋缕缕。 1948年3月13日,是一个刮着小北风、飘着小青雪,能把树枝冻折的干冷天。一辆花轱辘牛车走在辽中县高官台至茨榆坨的沙土道上。赶车的人坐在前辕板上,神色漠然。车上平卧着两具尸体,尸体上被子弹穿透皮肉的枪眼渗出的血和着土已冻在衣服上,雪粒撒落在尸体上。
Xie Rongzhong, a 16-year-old juvenile hero, never grew up again. The dawn of a new century left him forever in the darkness before dawn. 48 years later, when talking to the hero’s siblings Xie Rong policy, their eyes still can seep tears, but also pull out a long-term relationship. March 13, 1948, is blowing a small northerly wind, floating a small blue snow, can freeze the branches dry cold day. A flower reel ox cart walked in Liaozhong County high officials station to Elm Tuo sand road. People who ride the car sitting on the front plate, look indifferent. The car supine with two bodies, the body was bullets penetrate the flesh of the gunshots seeping blood and the soil has been frozen in the clothes, snow particles scattered on the body.