
来源 :统计研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:firemourne
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一、统计事业的发展急需大批统计人才 近十年来,我国的统计工作在迅速恢复的基础上,得到了较全面的发展,统计工作在许来方固发生了重大变化。统计服务内容在变,统计调查方法在变,统计服务方式在变。这一切变化集中到一点,迫切需要与之相适应的统计人才。 二、统计人才的基本标准 所谓统计人才,是具有统计专业等知识、立志献身统计事业、能独挡一面工作且业绩政绩显著的统计人员。由于不同的统计岗位对统计人材的需要不同,而且不同层次的统计人才又具有各自的衡量标准,因而对统计人才的定义与标准,很难做出准确完整的归纳概括。但 First, the development of statistical undertakings urgently needs a large number of statistical personnel In the past ten years, the statistical work in our country has been more comprehensively developed on the basis of rapid restoration. Statistical work has undergone major changes in the past few years. The content of statistical services is changing, the methods of statistical survey are changing, and the statistical service methods are changing. All this change has focused on the urgent need for the statistical talents to adapt to it. Second, the basic standard of statistical personnel The so-called statistical personnel, is a statistician with professional knowledge, determined to devote themselves to the cause of statistics, can work independently and the performance of outstanding performance statisticians. Because different statistic posts have different needs for statisticians and statisticians at different levels have their own measurement standards, it is very difficult to accurately and completely summarize the definitions and standards of statisticians. but
OBJECTIVE To explore the relation of cystatin C and cathepsin B expression to the pathological grade and invasion of human gliomas. METHODS A immunohistochemica
<正> 第七步练习精心锤炼的言词才能动听——《圣经》常言说得好——熟能生巧。但是,练习讲演要投入很大的精力,要花费不少时间。如果你懂得如何进行高效率的练习,你就能少耗费些精力,少占用点时间。首先,你得决定你的讲演选择什么样的“表达样式”——讲演的专家们这样说,你可以有三种选择。多数讲演者都同意这种说法:最糟糕的是背诵讲演词。先把整个讲演稿逐字逐句地写下来,然后再把它们背下来。背诵讲演的好处显而易见,你能事先想
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本文论述了制约世界政治地图划分与变动的九大因素,并指出:世界政治地图是这些因素综合起作用达到平衡的产物。 This article discusses the nine major factors that const