负载均衡问题一直是无线Mesh网络的重点研究对象,本文对802.11s草案中默认的混合无线Mesh路由协议HWMP(Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol)进行改进,提出一种具有拥塞感知功能的CA_HWMP路由协议.改进节点负载的计算方法,并把节点负载分为三个等级,在Mesh管理帧中增加负载信息位,使节点知道周围邻居节点的负载情况.设计负载约束控制函数对路由发现及维护过程进行改进,更新PREQ消息时对处于不同负载状态的节点采用不同的更新方法.选择路径时综合考虑了路径代价和邻居节点负载情况,均衡网络流量,避免发生拥塞.仿真结果表明,与HWMP相比,CA_HWMP有效平衡了网络负载,在整体上提升了网络性能.
Load balancing has always been the focus of wireless Mesh Networks. In this paper, we improve the default hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP) in 802.11s draft and propose a congestion-aware CA_HWMP routing protocol. Load calculation method, and the node load is divided into three levels, in the Mesh management frame to increase the load information bit, so that the node knows the surrounding neighbor node load situation.Design load constraint control function to route discovery and maintenance process to improve, update PREQ message adopts different updating methods for nodes in different load states.Considering the path cost and the load of neighbor nodes when selecting a path, network traffic is balanced to avoid congestion.The simulation results show that compared with HWMP, CA_HWMP effectively balances The network load, in general, improved network performance.