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对取自302铀矿床井下与沥青铀矿矿石共生的9件紫黑色萤石、肉红色方解石样品进行了流体包裹体的He同位素测定,3He/4He测定值为0.03~0.57 Ra(绝大部分在0.11~0.25 Ra之间),位于地幔与地壳的氦同位素值范围之间,显示成矿流体中的氦同位素具有壳、幔两个端元混合的特点,表明有大量幔源挥发性组分参与铀成矿作用。该矿床碳同位素值与流体包裹体证据均表明,地幔挥发性组分确实大规模参与了铀成矿作用。研究显示,几乎华南所有的热液铀矿床都形成于白垩纪—古近纪,且这些矿床的碳同位素组成均显示成矿流体中的矿化剂CO2来自地幔,暗示它们成矿时具有相似的成矿动力学背景:可能均与华南中-新生代岩石圈伸展作用所控制的幔源挥发性组分具有密切的关系。 He isotopes of fluid inclusions were measured for nine purple-black fluorite and meat-red calcite samples taken from the co-exited pit 302 with uraninite ore, with a 3He / 4He of 0.03-0.57 Ra (the vast majority of 0.11 ~ 0.25 Ra) located between the range of helium isotopic values ​​of the mantle and the crust, indicating that the helium isotopes in the ore-forming fluids have the characteristics of the mixing of two end units of crust and mantle, indicating that a large amount of mantle-derived volatile components are involved Uranium mineralization. The carbon isotope values ​​of the deposit and the evidence of fluid inclusions show that the mantle volatile components are indeed involved in uranium metallogenesis on a large scale. Studies have shown that almost all hydrothermal uranium deposits in southern China were formed during the Cretaceous-Paleogene and that the carbon isotopic compositions of these deposits show that the mineralizing agents CO2 in the ore-forming fluid are derived from the mantle, suggesting that they have similar Metallogenic kinetic background: It may be closely related to the mantle-derived volatile components controlled by the Meso-Cenozoic lithospheric extension in South China.
人以群分,或成为人类历史进步的一个条件,或成为许多悲惨事件发生的祸根。对后一事实的探究,是很有意思的事情,但却鲜有好的理论。经济学理论中里也有关于超越个人的“集体”的概念,但却不足以解决我很多深层次的困惑。一段时间以来阅读的一部美国学者泰勒等人所著的“社会心理学”教科书,让我心里亮堂了许多。  人总是分为不同的群体。区分群体的因素,莫过于性别、语言、肤色这样一些容易识别的因素。而类似道德这样的隐蔽
繁华的街道两旁,林林总总地矗立着各色店铺,有的店铺顾客不断,有的店铺却门可罗雀。什么原因使店铺间有如此大的差异?很重要的一个方面在于选择一个保证商家精力旺盛、利于买卖的好环境。  什么样的环境才能实现这样的目标呢?  店铺外面景致优美,顾客自然对店铺留下好印象。然而优美的环境只是一方面,店铺的建筑与之谐调也十分重要。如果店铺与周围的建筑很不相衬,这就是不谐调。不谐调在风水中是指店铺的建筑与区域自然