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《明代职官制度与官员服饰》一书由北京燕山出版社出版。本书分为两个部分:明代职官制度,明代官员及眷属服饰。第一章“明代职官制度”分为文武官员和内官、女官。明朝立国之初,职官制度基本上沿袭了元朝旧制。在中央,设置中书省、都督府、御史台三个机构,分别负责行政、军事、监察事务。在地方上,也仿效元制设置行中书省。明朝省级以下设立府州县地方行政机构。 “Ming official system and official dress,” a book published by Beijing Yanshan Press. The book is divided into two parts: the Ming Dynasty official system, Ming officials and their dependents costumes. The first chapter “Ming official system ” is divided into civil and military officials and internal officials, women officials. The beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the official system basically followed the old system of the Yuan Dynasty. In the Central Committee, there are set up three agencies, namely, Shuzhu, Dudu Fu and Yushu Taiwan, which are responsible for administration, military affairs and supervision. At the local level, I also copied the book province in the meta-system. Ming Dynasty provincial government established the prefectural government agencies.