1病例报道患者,女,48岁,于2013年2月12日因“月经紊乱3个月,取环困难,确诊子宫肌瘤2 d”入住英山县人民医院妇科,患者既往健康,19岁结婚,孕6产1,平素月经期4~5 d,周期28~30 d,经量中等,14年前有宫内放置“O”形节育环手术史。患者近3个月来无明显诱因出现经量增多,周期缩短,2 d前于我院门诊诊治,拟给予取环处理,但取环困难,考虑“节育环嵌顿”诊断,遂行彩超检查提示:子宫肌瘤。以“子宫肌瘤”收院拟行
1 case report Patients, female, 48 years old, on February 12, 2013 due to “menstrual disorders 3 months, take the ring difficult, diagnosed uterine fibroids 2 d ” admitted to the Department of Gynecology, Yingshan County People’s Hospital, patients with past health, 19-year-old married, 6 pregnant and 1 pregnant, usually menstrual period 4 ~ 5 d, cycle 28 ~ 30 d, by the amount of medium, 14 years ago, intrauterine place “O” shape IUD surgery history. Patients in the past 3 months there was no obvious incentive to increase the amount of menstrual flow, shorten the cycle, 2 days ago in our hospital for treatment, to be given to take ring treatment, but take the ring difficult, consider “birth control incarceration ” diagnosis, Check tips: uterine fibroids. To “uterine fibroids ” admission plan